Last update: 20 June 2017

ERRATUM for SEIB papers

This document contains erratum for SEIB papers. Erratum for program code was found at history.txt in distribution packages. If you found any errors in our model and/or documents, please let us know.

Reported on 20/June/2017

On Sato et al. (2007)
Equation 44
A parameter 66.02 should be 56.02.

Program code was also wrong. I fixed it at the SEIB-version 2.82.

Reported on 4/Dec/2015

On Sato & Ise (2012)

In the equation A2, the parameter 2060.0 should be 207.0.

This error makes African-woody-PFTs much shorter that they have to be. Program code (Version2.70 ~ 2.80) also has this error, however, it would not deliver essential effects on the simulation result except canopy height. This is because SEIB-DGVM assumes only African-woody-PFTs can establish in the African continent, and thus its influences on competition among trees should be limitted.

We will fix this error when we will release the new version of SEIB-DGVM code.

Reported on 2/July/2014

On Sato et al. (2007)
Equation A24

Relax. Program code was correct.

Reported on 2/July/2014

On Sato & Ise (2012)
In the Table A1, although simulated value for runoff was indicated as 141.4 (mm year-1), the correct value was around 244 (mm year-1). In the calculation for the indicated value, total runoff from the African continent was divided by the whole rectangluar area of the simulation, not land area. This correct value is outside of the estimated value of Feteke et al. (2002). But, it is lower than the GRDC data (Grabs et al. 1996), which is 283 (mm year-1).

Grabs, W., T. De Couet, and J. Pauler, Freshwater fluxes from the continents into the world oceans based on data of the global runoff data base, Tech. Rep. 10, Global Runoff Data Cent., Koblenz, Germany, 1996.

Reported on 12/March/2012

On Sato et al. (2010)
Equation 9 should be as follows: dm = min[1.0, dbh/0.4].
Note that the program code was correct.

Reported on 24/March/2010

On Sato et al. (2010)
On table 1, the value for CO2cmp should be 50 ppmv.

Reported on 12/Jan/2010

On Sato et al. (2007)
In section, which is entitled "Boreal summergreen needle-leaved woods (BoNS)", delete following excess sentence.
"The 10-day running mean of air temperature falls below 9C (2C for BoNS) or below the 10-year running mean of the coldest month temperature +5C."

Reported on 14/Sep/2009

On Sato et al. (2007)
In Table B3, units of KM and CO2cmp should be (ppmv).

Reported on 22/April/2008 (modified 17/May/2008)

On Sato et al. (2007)
Equation 38

Relax. Program code was correct.

Reported on 22/April/2008 (modified 17/May/2008)

On Sato et al. (2007)
Equation A44

By correctiong equation A44, evapotranspiration due to vapour pressure deficit becomes too large. So, we tuned caero and csoil as follows.

Equation A46
Before: caero = 0.42*0.42*wind / (Log(alpha))2
After: caero = (1.0 + 0.537*wind) / 250.1

This equation was delivered by substituting empirical formulation of Penman (1948) into equation A44, assuming csoil is infinite (i.e., considering evaporation from water saturated table).
Penman, H.L., 1948. Natural evaporation from open water, bare soil and grass. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, A 193.

Equation A47
Before: csoil = 0.0224 * min[ {poolw1 / (wfi*Depth)}2, 1]
After: csoil = 0.0015 * min[ {poolw1 / (wfi*Depth)}2, 1]

Reported on 17/May/2007

On Sato et al. (2007)
Equation A23
Fault: ALBEDO = {ALBEDO + (0.7-ALBEDO)} / {1+exp(-0.05*(poolsnow-70.0))}
Correct: ALBEDO = ALBEDO + (0.7-ALBEDO) / {1+exp(-0.05*(poolsnow-70.0))}

Reported on 27/Feb/2007

On Sato et al. (2007)
In Table B3, units of gstop and gs should be (mol H2O m-2 s-1). Not (mol CO2 m-2 s-1).

Reported on 17/Feb/2007

On Sato et al. (2007)
In table B7, parameters for GSb2 were too high. Typical value is around 5.0 (hPa). We assumed 5.0 for all PFTs (except C4 grass PFT. We assumed 2.0 for GSb2). GSb3 was also too high. Typical value is around 10.0. We assumed 10.0 for all PFTs. Refer Table 2 of Leuning (1995). Following is the corresponding list of parameters between Sato et al (2007) and Leuning (1995).

[Sato et al 2007] [Leuning 1995]
GSb1 (mol H2O m-2 s-1) ---> g0
GSb2 ---> a1
GSb3 (h Pa) ---> D0 (Pa)

After changing these parameters, NPP will be decreased. So, Pmax (maximum photosynthesis rate) should be tune again after this correction. We simply added 3 to Pmax for all PFTs (except C4 grass PFT. We added 6.0)

Leuning R (1995), A critical appraisal of a combined stomatal-photosynthesis model for C3 plants. Plant Cell Environ. 18, 339-355.