Last update: 25 Oct 2005 [history]

Unofficial Website of the
11th Japan-US Workshop on Global Change
gBiodiversity, Ecosystem Function, and Dynamic Human-Nature Interactionsh

Basic Information

Date 31 Oct - 2 Nov, 2005
Place Yokohama Institute, JAMSTEC [Map]
Co-Convenors JAPAN : Dr. Eitaro Wada (Program Director, FRCGC-JAMSTEC)
USA : Dr. John J. Magnuson (Professor Emeritus, Center for Limnology, Univ. of Wisconsin)
Co-organizers JAPAN : MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan)
USA : NSF (National Science Foundation)
Participants 93 (28 invitees from US, 44 invitees from Japan, 21 Observers)

Tentative agenda (MS-Word file, version:20/Oct)

This is semi-closed workshop. All participants should be registrated beforehand.
Inquiry on this meeting should be mailed to

Important deadlines

1 October 2005: Abstract submission
24 October 2005: PowerPoint file submission


Understanding of ecosystem functions, dynamics, and global interconnections is one of the most urgent problems for mankind. Most ecosystems are subject to serious global change and human appropriation, leading to changes in structural and functional attributes of biodiversity. Such ecosystem alterations will result in declines in public benefits from ecosystems (i.e., ecosystem services) and in tern affect the magnitude of environmental change through biological feedback mechanisms. However, the extreme diversity and complexity of ecosystems (i.e., environment-organism interactive system) have prevented an elucidation of the basic ecosystem processes that facilitate forecasting abilities. Accordingly, this workshop will focus on the interactions among biodiversity, ecosystem function, and global change, summarize the recent achievements by ecological studies in Janapn and US, and discuss how to advance US-Japan collaborations in the future. The Japan community of ecological / environmental sciences can talk about projects such as the IGBP, IHDP, DIVERSITAS, RR2002, CREST (by JST), RIHN projects, GERF S1 and S2, and so on. This workshop will contribute to the Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP).

Co-Convenors' Introduction

The 11th JAPAN-U.S. Workshop on Global Change will be held on October 31 to November 2, 2005 in Yokohama, Japan. The series of joint Workshops was initiated within the framework of the agreement between Japan and the United States of America on Cooperation in Research and Development in Science and Technology. Each Workshop gathers scientists and research managers from the U.S. and Japan for information exchange and discussions on recent progress and future plans for addressing problems and issues concerning various aspects of global climate change. The primary aims are to promote advancement of global change-related research and enhance benefits to society by fostering research collaborations among scientists in the U.S. and Japan.

The theme of this eleventh U.S.-Japan Workshop on Global Change is gBiodiversity, Ecosystem Function, and Dynamic Human-Nature Interactionsh. It is the first in the series of Workshops to address global change in the specific context of ecosystems and their role in the biosphere and coupled ocean-land-atmosphere-human system.

Approximately 50 invited scientists with diverse but complementary expertise in ecology, Earth system science and the social sciences are expected to participate in the 2005 Workshop, with roughly equal representation from Japan and the U.S. The Workshop is jointly sponsored by Japanfs Ministry for Education, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the United Statesf National Science Foundation (NSF).

The host organization is the Ecosystem Change Research Program (ECRP) of the Frontier Research Center for Global Change (FRCGC), which is a subsidiary institution of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). FRCGC is located on the campus of JAMSTECfs Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences, near the southern boundary of Yokohama City in Kanagawa Prefecture and approximately 45 km southeast of central Tokyo.

The Workshop is organized into four working groups (WG) that address the following general themes:
WG 1: Ocean Ecosystems and Global Change
WG 2: Terrestrial Ecosystems and Global Change
WG 3: Biodiversity
WG 4: Interacting Human and Natural Systems

The charge of each working group, with respect to their respective themes, is to:
1. Review recent progress in global change research
2. Identify knowledge gaps and obstacles to progress
3. Identify opportunities for new collaborative research that address these problems including data exchange and database development
4. Identify potential mechanisms, frameworks and sources of support for U.S.-Japan collaboration
5. Identify concrete steps to be taken on by both U.S. and Japan sides to realize these opportunities.

The material that follows provides details on the structure and content of the working groups, lists of expected participants, and the proposed schedule for the Workshop.

Dr. Eitaro Wada & Dr. John J. Magnuson

Working group

Each WG should summarize the state-of-the-art of ecological studies from the viewpoint of environmental science, putting special emphasis on impacts of climate change and, if necessary, some on carbon cycle. In advance of the workshop, the Japan community should prearrange about the leadership responsible for research themes of each WG. The Japan members will explain that they are engaged in not only domestic but also Asian and Eurasian studies.

Finally, the participants will make recommendations to improve long-term ecosystem monitoring (e.g., LTER and FLUXNET), inter-comparison of ecological models, database establishment of biological diversity, satellite monitoring, and so on. If possible, some tangible projects, which are performable at once, will be proposed for the future US-Japan partnership in this field.

Guide for How to Coordinate the Working Groups (MS-WORD file)

WG1: Ocean Ecosystems and Global Change

Example of Topics: interactions between climate change and ocean ecosystems, aquatic resources, oceanic CO2 uptake, biogeochemical cycles, aquatic ecological modeling, long-term variability, forecasting, and satellite remote sensing.

WG2: Terrestrial Ecosystems and Global Change

Example of Topics: interactions between climate change and terrestrial ecosystems, ecosystem resources, forest CO2 uptake, hydrological and biogeochemical cycles, terrestrial ecological modeling, long-term variability, forecasting, and integration of satellite remote sensing with terrestrial ecosystem models.
Existing Project in the field: IGBP-GLP, IGBP-iLEAPS, IGBP-AIMES

WG3: Biodiversity

Example of Topics: species discovery, biodiversity inventory projects, maintenance mechanism of biodiversity, invasive species and biological conservation of endangered species, modeling, forecasting, and geospatial information techniques (remote sensing and GIS).
Existing Project in the field: DIVERISITAS, DIWPA, Species2000, LTER

WG4: Interacting Human and Natural Systems

Example of Topics: interactions between humankind and ecosystems, sustainable management, biological remediation of environmental impacts, land-use change, human health, modeling, forecasting, and geospatial information techniques (remote sensing and GIS).
Existing Project in the field: IHDP, IGBP-GLP, former IGBP-LUCC

Poster Session (Submission was closed on Oct 1st)

The specific topics of the poster presentations are flexible and may be determined by individual preferences. For example, posters may give detailed scientific results, or an overview of the participantfs research activities and future directions. The abstract content is also flexible; if the poster is devoted to specific research results, the abstract may be written to include or emphasize an overview perspective on the participantfs research program.
The assignment of posters to day 1 or 2 will be announced by the secretariat on the Day 1 of the Workshop.

1. SizeFA0 (841mm width x 1189mm height) or B0 (1030mm width x 1456mm height). The usable area for the poster boards is 1300mm width x 1750mm height.
2. Please bring in your poster to the workshop site.
3. Poster List Accepted (as of Oct. 18)

About Yokohama-city

Tourist information: Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau [external link]

Climate: Although October~November is the best season of Yokohama-city (maximum air temperature:ca 23C, minimum air temperature:ca 13C), you should prepare cloths both for sunny and chilling cool weather.

Related external links

U.S. Delegation Logistics Web site of this workshop

[FRCGC top] [ECRP top]