場所:ウィルあいち特別会議室(大会D会場)「〒461-0016 愛知県名古屋市東区上竪杉町1番地 ウィルあいち」
1.Georgii Alexandrov(国立環境研究所)
Model-data fusion in the studies of terrestrial carbon sink: introduction to the problem and review of the workshop W16 of the Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software.
Terrestrial carbon sink is an indirectly observed natural phenomenon which
is not well attributed to known biophysical mechanisms. It is obtained by adding the estimate of
net terrestrial uptake to the estimate of emissions from land-use change. The
estimate of net terrestrial uptake, in turn, is obtained by subtracting
atmospheric and oceanic uptake from carbon emissions resulting from fossil fuel
burning and cement production. Therefore, terrestrial carbon sink is more often
referred to as “residual terrestrial uptake”. Climate-driven departures may include
up to 20% of the terrestrial sink. However, the magnitude and even the sign of
climate-driven departure for a given decade is difficult to quantify due to the
uncertainty in relative strength of climate impact on productivity, respiration
and emission from soil. Data and model validity are two facets of a problem
that model-data fusion is expected to resolve. The relative strength
of climate impact on plant productivity and respiration can be characterized by
using data from the FLUXNET network. This is a network where
micrometeorological measurements are performed originally conceived by IGBP and
the EUROFLUX project. Flux measurements with
chamber and eddy covariance measurements are local and therefore a dedicated
measuring network is required to cover a sufficiently varied set of ecosystem
types. However, the main purpose of network observations is to improve the
understanding of biochemical and physical processes of carbon exchange for
different ecosystem types. Subsequently, parameterization allows to scale up
local flux estimates to the regional or continental scale. The validity of the
scale up methodology can be evaluated in part using atmospheric CO2 concentration measurements.The particular methods of model-data fusion
has been discussed at the Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software
that was held in Burlington (Vermont, USA) in 2006, July 9-13. The results of the
discussion were formulated in the form of position paper of the W16 workshop. A draft of this paper is available from the
conference website (http://www.iemss.org/iemss2006/wiki/)
designed for collaborative writing. Any comments on this draft would be highly
2.佐々井崇博 (産業技術総合研究所)
Estimating carbon fluxes using terrestrial biosphere model (BEAMS)
I presents a new biosphere model called the Biosphere model integrating
Eco-physiological And Mechanistic approaches using Satellite data (BEAMS).
BEAMS provides a new method of calculating the environmental stress affecting
plant growth (Stress). Stress is calculated eco-physiologically using a
photosynthesis model and stomatal conductance formulation, providing a
more realistic result than previous models. Stress values are used to estimate
Gross Primary Production (GPP) estimates via the light use efficiency concept.
The author used BEAMS, including the new Stress approach, to investigate
global spatial and temporal patterns of Net Primary Production (NPP) and
Net Ecosystem Production (NEP). BEAMS was run for the years 1982-2000 using
global-scale satellite and climate data. Comparison of model results with
observational measurements at flux sites revealed that GPP values predicted
by BEAMS agreed with measured GPP. Obtained Stress values were compared
with those of MOD17 and CASA; the three methods produce contrasting spatial
patterns. Upon comparing predicted and observed NPP, the pattern of NPP
for each plant functional type can be adequately estimated. In terms of
trend analysis, NPP increased for the years 1982-2000 in most regions.
Different NPP trends were observed in Europe, Russia, and northeast Canada
compared with those proposed by Nemani et al. [2003]; the author attributes
these differences to climate-related processes. Simulated inter-annual
variations in global NEP are similar to results from inverse modeling.
A sensitivity study of obtained NEP shows that the inter-annual variability
in NEP is strongly controlled by air temperature, precipitation, CO2, and
the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation.