Last update: 21 April 2014
2012.10-2018.3: Program for Risk Information on Climate Change:Theme D "Eco-climate system in Northeastern Eurasia and Southeast Asian tropics: impacts of global climate change"
2010.1-2014.3: Nagoya University Global COE Program "From Earth Science to Basic and Clinical Environmental Studies" [external link]
2007.4-2012.3: Innovative Program of Climate Change Projection for the 21st Century, MEXT
2002.4-2007.3: Research Project for Sustainable Coexistence of Human, Nature, and the Earth
Nagoya University, Graduate School of Environmental Studies [external link]
RIGC (Research Institute for Global Change), JAMSTEC [external link]
MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technolog, JAPAN) [external link]